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Ditches in the Heart

There is a water retention brook that flows through our backyard. In the dry season, it is nothing more than a ditch. It is dry and cracked and overgrown with ugly weeds. But in the rainy season, it is a quick moving babbling brook. It’s full of life. All signs of the parched ditch are filled in with vitality and bubbling water.

I heard someone recently say that sorrows are like deep ditches carved into the heart. These ditches are common to everyone and present themselves as forms of emptiness, loss, loneliness and other emotions that make you feel like your heart is brittle, dry and thirsty.

In the last few weeks my heart has been etched with a couple of ditches. Our dear friend of 56 years fell ill and passed away. My sweet 94 year old mother made the decision that she could no longer live independently. We are in the process of moving her to a senior living center. In less than three weeks we leave for India which makes moving Mom an unexpected and added stress to our plans.

I could feel the effect of these untimely events carve dry ditches into my heart. But the One who promises springs of living water is here to fill those ditches if only I believe and trust that He can.

And so for the loss of our friend, I asked for joy. Joy because he is celebrating his first Christmas in heaven. Joy because we will someday be together with him for all eternity. Joy because the dry ditch of loss has been filled to overflowing.

And for my mom, the peace of God which surpasses all human understanding has filled the dry ditch of stress. It is Christmas after all, and we celebrate the birthday of the Prince of Peace. My dry ditch of stress has been transformed to peace like a river.

Are there ditches carved into your heart today? Ask God to fill those dry places from His unending fountain of living water.

Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.  John 7:38

We return to India on January 1. Please remember us in your prayers and watch for highlights of our trip on this blog.

Merry Christmas and a River Full of Blessings in the New Year to you and your family!

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