Yesterday (2-28-2023)

It is hard to process all that took place yesterday. Even now, I’m replaying the day over and over in my brain. Shortly after getting out of bed, we were informed of the passing’s of a dear friend, an old friend and a relative. All three men died after short battles with cancer. Our day began with sorrow and tears. Having just been through our own cancer journey, it was difficult not to question why one wins the battle while another loses it. The only answer is that God is sovereign and has ordained our time here on earth. An overwhelming sense of gratitude overcame me as I thanked Him for another day and another opportunity to serve Him here in India.

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.  And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Matt 10:29-30 NIV

Our day was busy and amazing. We traveled to Gudalar to get some needed items and then stopped at the government office to pick up the approved papers to begin construction on homes for 7 widows. Six of them then met us at the construction site to take a picture on the land of their future homes. Viju has worked hard to secure these papers. The government will now pay for the land and construction of the small homes. They do not pay for windows and doors. By God’s grace, Cross Angle will raise the needed funds to provide them. Six other land and home requests are still in progress.

Happy widows receive building permits.

We then travelled to a tribal community to see some of the houses we were able to help build last year. We also stopped in on three widows that we have known for many years. One of the ladies has holes in her roof caused by monkeys. The holes are right above the electric box and outlets. Soon the rains will start. This is a potential hazard. Viju is hiring an electrician and mason to make the necessary repairs.

Suriya and her child now have a proper house.
Janiki and Me

One sweet friend named Priya lives nearby. We were told that in October her husband fell to his death. We stopped to pay our respects and to pray with her. Priya fell into my arms and sobbed for a long time. Her pain was so deep. We gathered her along with her family for a time of prayer. The grief was hard to watch. Priya has the most beautiful smile. I asked if she could show it to me before I left. Her face seem to light up as she did. And I knew at that moment, God would be faithful to her. He would make her smile again. Caring for these precious widows is not just what God does, it’s who He is.

Recently widowed, Priya is grieving deeply

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.  James 1:27 NASU

I’ll be sharing about the rest of this week in the next blog. This one was only about yesterday.