After two days of rest and assimilation, the US team was ready to roll up their sleeves on Saturday and begin serving. We had a wonderful time of fellowship Saturday when the four pastors and our interpreter who completed the Zoom Academy course arrived. We listened as

each of them gave their testimonies as to the way God used the Bible studies to improve their ministry skills and encourage their churches. Kevin gave an encouraging message to the pastors to feed the sheep. We concluded with presenting each of them with a certificate of achievement and a beautiful lunch. We were all blessed and pleased as we celebrated our first graduating class.
After we bid the pastors goodbye, we took a trip to a larger city about 45 minutes away. There is a bulk market there, where we were able to select products to be distributed to the widows who will be attending our outreach next week. Practical provisions such as oil, lentils, salt, spices and sugar were selected.

Sunday morning Sal preached at a small church of about 25 families. The people were so happy we had come to worship with them. Later on we conducted our first of four kids programs. About 83 children of all ages attended. Cat led the kids in songs. A skit was performed about creation. The kids colored snap bracelets and were given necklaces with colored beads that corresponded with a presentation of the gospel. At the conclusion each child was given candy, pop corn and a pen and pencil set.

Monday was a day of fellowship and rest for the team as we explored the mountaintop city of Ooty. Tuesday morning we presented a program to the 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes at a local Christian school. Cat explained American holidays to the children with emphasis on Christmas and Easter. Then Amber conducted a football camp (soccer). The Tigers vs. the Giants! A great time was had by all. Afterwards, the school principal invited us to meet the rest of the students. We were escorted room by room to meet and greet the children right down to the kindergarten.

The one thing we are realizing is that God has gone before us. He has been in the details as we plan to present programs to the children. Each venue is different. So far we have been to a church, a school and tomorrow a tuition center where children are tutored after school. We arrive with unanswered questions about how to conduct the program, but leave with great joy as to how things went. God is in the details. It is all His doing. We would not have it any other way. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Psalm 32:8