A Week of Ups and Downs

The Ups:

Ministry is going at a nice steady flow. On Saturday we traveled to the east side of the city where we conducted a meeting with 39 pastors from the area. Sal taught on the importance of doctrine and the roll of the pastor. The studies were well received. At the end of the meeting, the pastors surrounded us both and prayed for us. It was a powerful time. I don’t think we ever were prayed for by 39 pastors simultaneously.

Pastors surround us with prayer.

Sunday morning Sal spoke at an all English speaking church service. Always a treat when we don’t need an interpreter. I was impressed that the average attendees were under 30 years of age. The pastor is only 33 and is a very personable guy. His leadership team was made up of about 15 young men and women who are passionate about reaching their world for Jesus. Sal gave a word of encouragement to them from Ephesians. We enjoyed a lunch with the pastor and associate pastor at a local restaurant, and we look forward to a possible conference there in the future.

Sal was invited on Monday to be the chapel speaker at a local seminary. He presented the Four Challenges of Ministry to the student body of 200 seminarians and the entire faculty. Since we arrived here, we have spoken to over 300 students and a church full of young adults. It causes us great joy to see so many young people desiring to serve in ministry. We topped off the day by meeting our friends, Gavin and Amenla for dinner. These two have served the Lord in the heart of Bangalore for many years.

Sweet friends

Thursday another group of pastors (33) gathered for a Leadership Conference on the north side of the city. We are amazed at how hungry these pastors are for sound biblical teachings. Plans are being laid to continue teaching pastors through monthly ZOOM meetings after we return to the states.

The Downs:

Soon after arriving in India both Sal and I caught nasty colds. Both of us have been seen by doctors. I needed an antibiotic due to a fever and Sal has had a lingering cough that is very persistent. God has been gracious to us. We have not cancelled any meetings. And miraculously He has lifted the symptoms during the meetings. My cold is now gone but Sal continues to be bothered with the cough. The doctor has given him an inhaler to calm it down. We would sure appreciate your prayers for healing and health.

What a joy to meet Dr. J, a sister in Christ. Immediately she and Sal became friends. She texted me after treating him twice for the cough. She wrote, “The Lord leads his children to the right people. . . I am honored to look after Sal. . . . He is doing such an important job . . . let the Lord use him for his glory and take care of his health. . . I will uphold him in prayer.” Since she wrote to me, she has contacted Viju and volunteered to come in the fall to give free health exams to the village widows that we serve. In our times of “downs” it is powerful to remember that, “Our God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20

I was pretty excited about a women’s meeting that was scheduled for Friday. Sadly, a 60 year old woman in the church died suddenly from a heart attack. As a result, the meeting was cancelled because the church was needed for the funeral. In India, if you die in the morning, your funeral is in the afternoon and you are buried before sun down. I felt disappointed about the lost opportunity to teach new material on Psalm 150. So what does one do when a meeting is cancelled? . . . . One takes the staff out for Chinese food!

Whether we are experiencing Ups or Downs we all must be steadfast in service and praise to our God and to be thankful for the strength to persevere. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

We will be leaving Bangalore on Monday for a busy week of conferences in Chennai. Thanks for following and praying!